Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 25th Topics

NaNo Topic:
Rich or poor? Fitzgerald or Hemingway? Consider the impact affluence will play in your drama. Poor people have one kind of problem; rich people have another kind of problem. Somebody climbing their way through the ranks has yet another type of problem. Describe your vision of the economic status of your characters and how that affects the way they think and act.

The First Glimpse
We'd been traveling through the forest for so long the first glimpse of it seemed like ...

Baby Steps
What are you doing now while waiting for what you really want to do in life to begin? What unrealistic goals have you set for yourself?

1 comment:

WolfieWolfgang (Colin Bell) said...

The First Glimpse by Wolfgang Glinka

It was a sad thing and a good thing.

A sigh of relief.

A bereavement.

A long awaited smile.

It was a deep, cold disappointment.

A surge of hope.

A tear.

A look to the future.

It was sharp pain turned ache.

A spirit released.

A descending gloom

A new chance.

It was a challenge - both brutal and bold.

A fading away.

A twist in the gut.

A drop in temperature.

It was the first glimpse.

It was plain to see.

The end of the heartache

The death of a love.

Wolfgang Glinka.