Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31st Topics

Rock House

Nothing will ever penetrate this house, he thought, only moments before ...


Talk rocks. What story do you have that involves them?

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1 comment:

ItsNaughtKnotty Cannned said...

Rock House
Nothing will ever penetrate this house, he thought, only moments before the spaceship blasted through the side of Earlington Smitherington's house and a clown car style exodus of little green men ensued.

"Dammit," he said, "they never covered spacecraft in the story of the Three Little Pigs."

"Greetings Earthling, we come in peace," an authoritative looking green man said.

"Where did you learn to drive?" Earl asked in an angry tone.

"Pan Universal Space Bending, of course; they're the best since they outlawed time bending."

"Did you miss the day they covered not crash landing into peoples' houses?"

The alien turned to observe its ship resting rather awkwardly atop a pile of rubble formerly used by Earl as a home. Wisps of dust and smoke rose in the air. The alien raised its arm, waived its hand, and the ship moved a hundred yards to the east. The house magically reassembled itself as if nothing ever happened.

"Wow! That is awesome!" Earl said.

"So shall we expect every Earthling to be as uptight as you?" the alien asked sardonically.

And he raised an interstellar eyebrow.