Supporting Cast (Round):
You may have the need for one, or two, or three other characters with fully developed appearances, personalities, histories, and support systems of their own. Who are the other characters you intend to build full lives around? Why are they important?
They held each other and danced as the sun disappeared below the horizon, and she smiled knowing ...
Punkin Head
How's your fairy godmother doing these days?
Pumpkin Head by Wolfgang Glinka
Well he did have a round head, even his mother didn't deny that and, ouch, she had reason to remember how big it was too.
It was mostly fine, for most of the year. Not many people are classically beautiful after all and a big round head was preferable to various other possibilites in the head department.
It was halloween when the problem struck home.
Kids stared, that was bearable, and some sniggered, that hurt but he could live with that. The enemy were the ones who shouted out those inevitable jeers of "Hey, Pumpkin Head!"
He blushed which, of course, made it worse..the colouring of his cheeks only adding to his pumpkin features.
Pity, he had to loose those teeth at the front too. The gappy tooth look was the ideal for many a child's grinning lantern.
He should have been the toast of the town each halloween. Why did every household make a pumpkin lantern if not to frighten away evil spirits on that fearful night when the restless dead were said to rise from their graves to stalk us.
He should have been top of every guest list that night.
Instead he was a figure of fun. The village idiot who was the butt of everyone's wearisomely obvious humour.
"Hey, Pumpkin Head!" - there it was again. When he got home, he would definitely not be venturing out again that night.
Home alone was such a melancholy phrase. It entered his heart every time he slammed his front door shut.
His looks had not endeared him to many possible partners; none that he wanted to look in the eye any way.
So there he was on one of the great annual party nights, locked up and feeding on his own festering his resentment.
He cleaned out the hearth and made a small log fire.....well, he thought, there is just something about an open fire that offers hope or, if not that, then comfort.
His wooly socks nicely toasted, he lay back in his chair and lost contact with the television which was transmitting merely to deaden the silence.
He was in the deepest of sleeps when a timid hand knocked at the door.
Could he be bothered to answer? It was almost certainly some over-excited kids wanting to trick or treat him.
The knock came again and something forced him to the door.
Well it was Haloween, so it was not really that much of a surprize to find his Fairy Godmother standing there complete with tinselly wand and wings.
"Look, I'm really sorry about this" she said.
"I live upstairs in the top flat and I'm having a party for my grandchildren and their friends."
She looked so awkward in her ill-advised costume which with all its promise of glamour, merely emphasised her scrawny, melancholy appearance.
"I am stuck really, " she continued. "I had booked an entertainer but he has just cancelled. I hired the costume for him and everything."
It was obvious where this was going.
"I know it is really wrong to ask but I am desperate...I was hoping you might help me out."
Against all his instincts, he let her sad eyes melt his resolve.
"What do you want me to do?"
She was embarrased now as she picked up a bag and showed him.
There was something about the way she looked at him as she handed it over. There was just a hint of anxious recognition.
It was a Pumpkin Man costume complete with grinning pumpkin head.
"Oh I shouldn't have asked" she said abruptly. "Well it is probably inconvenient."
"I know what you're thinking" he said and something deep inside him flickered until it rose up from his gut warming him all the way to his face.
He was laughing.
She looked disconcerted for a moment but then the infection took hold of her and soon she too laughed until her eyes ran with tears.
They agreed that he didn't really need the head but the carrot coloured wig and a bit of make-up would do the trick.
It did.
The children loved him, of course, and he was surprized to find unknown skills as an hilarious slapstick clown.
All evening he played his part whilst trying to keep his eyes off the Fairy God Mother's niece who was helping with the food.
She, like her aunt, was dressed in a shimmering silver fabric but she had no wings or wand.
She carried a silver bow and a sheath of shining arrows on her back and on her head was a hat in the shape of the moon.
She laughed with the children at his antics, her large, round, lily-white face light up with delight.
When it was all over, she smiled at him shyly.
"You were wonderful" she said.
"Thanks" he smiled.
"You came as Diana, the moon goddess, I see."
"Oh no" she laughed....."not with my looks!"
"I thought, with my big round face, I would come as the Full Moon!"
They both laughed and then they allowed their eyes to meet and a sensitive, serious thought crossed between them.
On the other side of the room, quietly stacking sticky icecream dishes, the Fairy God Mother smiled to herself.
Wolfgang Glinka
Fairy Godmother Where Are You?
[GbM7] Where is my fairy godmother to- [EbM7] night?
[GbM7] I need more than a pumpkin car- [EbM7] riage.
[GbM7] I need more than shoes from chande- [EbM7] liers.
[GbM7] I am dreaming of a fancy mar- [EbM7] riage.
[F6] Wave your magic [EbM7] wand for me.
[F6] Sprinkle angel [EbM7] feathers 'round.
[F6] Poof me up a [EbM7] perfect night.
[GbM7] [GbM7+C] [GbM7]
[GbM7] Where is my fairy godmother to- [EbM7] night?
[GbM7] Mice turning into stallions just ain't [EbM7] it.
[GbM7] Dresses made from berries and bees ain't [EbM7] right.
[GbM7] To rise above my station I must com- [EbM7] mit.
[F6] Wave your magic [EbM7] wand for me.
[F6] Sprinkle angel [EbM7] feathers 'round.
[F6] Poof me up a [EbM7] perfect night.
[GbM7] [GbM7+C] [GbM7]
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