Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Writing Prompts for October 21, 2009

She wasn't sure she looked forward to it, but nevertheless ...

Artist Date or Field Trip:

It's October, go to a haunted house, or find somebody in your neighborhood with plenty of Halloween decorations and report your findings.

Literary Quote of the Day (unverified from the web)

Kate Walsh said, “Knitting and crocheting are huge trends right now and many of the latest fashions include knitted and crocheted items or trim. Designer Nicole Miller included a crochet-topped party dress in her latest line. So, grab a few balls of yarn, a needle or a hook and join the fun.”


Knitting and weaving are literary archetypes. We create tangled webs. A writer is nothing without a comfy crocheted sweater from Shetland wool. Focus your mind on the purpose of clothing and other accoutrement your characters might adorn themselves with and what those items say about them and you.

Join Second Life (it's free) and check out the INKsters group there for more virtual inspiration and literary camaraderie. NaNoWriMo is coming!! Go sign up! (It's free too, except it will take your soul).

Competition idea: Grab a literate friend or two, agree on the topic today, and write. Maybe 1000 characters (fits in your cell phone notepad), or 500 words (our gold standard), or longer. Then share your work with somebody and ask them to select their favorite effort from today. You might be surprised how much you love winning (or hate losing).

And stop by our old home page and see if we've managed to catch up.

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