Friday, June 26, 2009

Daily Prompts Begin Again on July 1

Hi everybody. Starting July 1, I will start posting daily writing prompts again here on the blog. I will need to scale back everything I was doing in the past since real life demands continue to plague me. I won't be judging entries or running the website (at least for now). Please participate in the weekly contests in-world to keep your competitive juices flowing. I will also eliminate the New Yorker cartoon prompts. As always, I encourage you to post your work on the comment section of each day's prompt. I hope you all are doing well. I miss you!

1 comment:

WolfieWolfgang (Colin Bell) said...

So good to hear that you are starting the prompts again Knotty - they are an inspiration.

Sorry though that you have had a tough time recently - we missed you.