Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2: Bring a Torch

(Questionable Crowd Management Tactics:
Call the whole town out, and then tell them to be quiet.)

Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella,
bring a torch, come swiftly and run.
Christ is born; tell the folk at the village.
Jesus is sleeping in his cradle.
Ah, ah, beautiful is the mother.
Ah, ah, beautiful is her son.

Hasten now, good folk of the village.
Hasten now, the christ child to see.
You will find him asleep in the manger.
Quietly come and whisper softly.
Hush, hush, peacefully now he slumbers.
Hush, hush, peacefully now he sleeps.

1 comment:

SweepAnd Mopp said...

To the tune of Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella:

Moon and Venus and Jupiter smiling.

Innergalactic smiley face.

Earth shines back and helps
three kids look pretty.

Next time they're near,
you'll be quite dead dear.

Ah, ah, peer into heaven's facade.

Ah, ah, we smile back at God.

This song celebrates the convergence of the moon, Venus and Jupiter into a smiley face. Check out the YouTube video from December 1:


Apparently February 3rd will be another good day to see these three together and then not again for a really long time.