Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28th Topics

Who should suffer?

He sat on the edge of the skateboard park and watched her from afar and he hoped he could ...

1 comment:

WolfieWolfgang (Colin Bell) said...

Regrets by Wolfgang Glinka

It is true that Frank Sinatra sang "Regrets, I've had a few" but he still did it his way.

On the other hand, Edith Piaf had no regrets....or so she sang.

I love those songs because they lie ...Sinatra and Piaf suffered and they sure had their share of regrets.

So I put them on the music system as I drive to the house. They help in a depressing way. Actually they brought just a hint of some unmanly tears to my eyes - well I had done it my way and this is where it landed me.

That frail little songstress with her bleating voice so full of hurt, lit her fire with her memories. It was brave of course but don't tell me she didn't cry as she threw her souvenirs into the flames.

I will do that I hope. I am alone so I can show a little emotion as I clear the house and throw all that stuff into the furnace.

"And now, the time is near......." oh Frank for all your tough guy manners you were a sensitive soul..just like Piaf. You sang sad songs about your regrets, your mistakes and your disapointments in that song about "your way".

Not so easily done was it?

I am with Piaf need to hide the raw edge as I still stiffle that sob acknowledging my return to Zero. There is no one here to see me in this house full of memories.

Music helps. Maybe it just gently pats you on the back and gives you that hug one more time..the hug that used to light up your life and which will never return.

Maybe music makes things worse though. Those tunes linger on, allowing you to try and reclaim the feelings of those days so recently lost to you. Allowing you to wallow, sob a bit, bite that lip and sigh.

All packed up, I head back to the car. No more Frank now...and no more Piaf. I turn to a pop music station as I drive out of that street for the last time.

The music starts, poignant, nostalgic, brightly scored and yet pure bubble gum.

"Video Killed The Radio Star" - a one hit wonder from long ago - celebrating and mourning the loss of the radio singers to video recording. Its sadness is heightened by its sweetness.

No escaping from regrets then?

It is everywhere.....but no. Even this song has a personal message as I drive away.

"In my mind and in my car,
We can't rewind, we've gone too far."

Now I am crying... but laughing too.

No regrets. I believe that now. And the tears start to flow.

Wolfgang Glinka