Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24: Substitutes


Anonymous said...

Substitute Chairman

Does anyone care who is in charge in America? Is anybody home?

Laws have been cast to the four winds when it comes to the White House, our citizens have lost their lives for no other reason than to bolster the lies that fester in corporate greed and pusilanimous profit.

The "war against terrorism," the "war against AIDS," the "war against poverty" have all become large corporate lies that make us all sick; and make a handful of international moguls filthy rich with our blood on their hands.

The House and the Senate swirl around the so-called "President" pretending to be disrespectful while continuing to dance to whatever tune is playing in his head - by whoever is putting it there.

What is America about? Are we a Democracy where the government is accountable to the people? Or have we totally abdicated our responsiblity as a nation?

The whole world is watching. Are we paying attention? It's no wonder I would rather be in Second Life - where even flying through the air and walking under water, the world makes more sense than it does in RL.

Cyara Demonia

SweepAnd Mopp said...


[F] Ms Newt our substitute was
[Bb] just so cute from her
[F] suit down to her
[Bb] boots and so I
[C7] root and hoot and woot
for our substi- [Bb] tute

Ms. [F] Newt.